DD's Graduation rug |
Well here are some samples of my newest addiction - Locker hooking.
My DD's rug has a spear to represent the spear from her HS mascot - an Indian, and written on the spear are initials from her HS activities, and a softball with her number and HS initials, a flag and the background of blue with flag material to represent her AF JrROTC.
The yarn rug was more expensive to do than I expected as the yarn was about 5 dollars a skein and took WAAYYYY more than I thought it would!!!
I really had fun with the wall hanging - designed the flowers and added fuzzy yarn and buttons to the centers of the flowers and fuzzy yarn for clouds in the sky.
Made with yarn |
Wall hanging |
The last rug was my first attempt at a rug after taking a class at the local quilt shop, associated with our local, all volunteer adult learning center.
I have one more finished to take pictures of and at least 3 more rugs lined up to do - another for my DD, one for DS for graduation and one or two more for gifts (hopefully for next Christmas - I have yet to keep track of the time it takes me but I just started one and am tracking it just for curiosity - the rug I just finished - the orange and blues, took my about 2 and 1/2 months of evening couch time when not at work)
My first rug |
Finished 12/2013 - 36" by 60 " |
28" by 34" - 68.5 hours work
finished 1/13/14 |
Quilt style - 28 by 34 inches - 59.5 hours work
finished 2/10/14 |
32 by 52.5 inches - 112 + hours - 25 + yards material
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
double knit fabric |
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