After sleeping a good chunk of the day after working night shift friday, no yard work got done on saturday, Sunday (yesterday) I was feeling lazy and just played a bit in the craft room - after lunch and a short trip to A.C.Moore (found out that they had the new Vagabond - die cut machine on sale for 40% off - it soooo came home with me :)!!!! Saved about 100$$$ WHooo hoo.....
So today was a day for some yard work - its almost 75 degrees out and sunny....
I did the front flower beds a couple weeks ago and today I cleaned off my patio - which had become a clutter zone for the winter (usually I use it as much in the winter as summer but this winter was a cold one for us...)
So I took out all the chairs and DH took down and hauled out the old fuseball table we never used anymore and I swept and cleaned and put everything back - got my orchids back on the porch (they have been inside most of the winter due to the cold).
Then we went for lunch as both DHand kids were off today - I work tonight (headed for a nap shortly...).

So after lunch I finished off watering the orchids and took some pics around the yard - still alot of work to do in the yard but here are a few pics of the good spots :).
First is my patio and my favorite 'sit with a good book and a cup of tea' spot....
Next is my 2 camelia bushes out front that have started to bloom in the last couple days....
And then my maple tree that is budding out and lastly a hanging plant for my front window that DH got for me today when he made a Lowe's run....
Due to the cold this winter I have alot of spots to fill in in pots and flowers beds - but I have at least a few more days of yard work cleaning out the old stuff before I can start replanting....

Hopefully the weather is nice towards the end of the week - I work the tonight and tuesday night.....
All for today - it is nap time for me - sweet - lucky me all the windows and doors are open with a light breeze ahhhhhh.....
Take Care