Monday, June 19, 2017

Dragon Nebula

   Well the pups have taken me on my morning walk and since I don't go to work till later today, I guess I need to get a bit of house cleaning done.....
   I was lazy for the weekend and other than a bit of yard work Saturday am I mainly read( a fiction book by Mercedes Lackley - rereading actually, and more reading on a new cold wax book I got - almost 2 inches thick and tons of great stuff) and Sunday spent some time working in my studio on a portrait that I am working on of my DD in cold wax and oils.
  I haven't attempted a portrait since High school and the 2 I did then were watercolor, so its a challenge. It is looking good so far but it is taking me  a LOOONNNGG time. There is a portrait themed show at Artel in Pensacola here the first part of July so am hopeful I will get done in time!!!
   Today painting that I am showing you is encaustic wax and shellac in another painting in what I guess I can call a series of nebulas - this is #3 - Dragon Nebula for the red dragon head that I can see in the upper right side.
  I have looked at this one a month or two trying to decide if it is done or not, since I like it but it didn't really 'feel' finished. Well I cant think of anything I want to really change about it so have called it done. (I can always come back to it later - and meanwhile someone might decide to take him home).
   Well better get my butt in gear and clean and then off to work - hot as blazes here in NW Florida today!!!!! Glad I don't work outside!!!!
    Take Care

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