Saturday, May 25, 2013

Proud Mom post - JrROTC Awards night

   Finally found some time to edit the picts I took at the ROTC Awards night this week - sorry the pictures are not so good - I have been taking pictures in this hall for 4 years now and never manage to get good pictures - they always turn out dark even when they have a;l the lights on(its like the walls just suck up all the light somehow...)
  Anyway - the first 2 pictures are of my son Jack who is a Junior this year and the next 3 are of my daughter Paula who is a senior this year (and as of today is the proud owner of a vehicle - 2044 subaru forester - lots of miles on it but in good shape)
  And the last 5 pictures are of my other kids (ROTC Mom - one of many....) Angie, Amanda, Alex, Austin (I have been this ones other Mom since about first grade - he is a senior also) and Brian.
  As I say every year - it is really nice to see my kids get their awards as they work hard for them, but it is almost as nice to see so many awards go to the group of kids that my kids hang out with!!!!!
   All for today - a few things to do yet today before I head off to work tonight....
      Have a great Memorial Day weekend and Remember why it is that we have this weekend - to Honor those military members that have given their lives for our Freedom and Safety!!!
    Take Care

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