I am "on call" for work today as rarely happens we had too many Nurses for the number of patients in our Intensive Care Units today - which worked out great for me!!! I have spent a good amount of time in my craft room - got several new UM sets put into CD cases, finally got all my stamps from Bella that I got on the cruise put on cling foam and put in CD cases and labeled....and a couple small projects started (mostly gathering suplies to do on Monday)
The pictures I have for you today come via my DD - the first 3 are of a blanket she made for her cousin for Christmas - she made a bunch of knitted scarves (on a loom) and then sewed them together into a blanket - I call it a Gypsy blankey because its so colorful.
The last thing is a video that I hope I got loaded correct - its my DD's cat Shadow and his favorite toy - the kids can hide this toy virtually anywhere and he WILL find it and Get it (he-man hunter cat).

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