Monday, August 20, 2012

Goodbye Old Friend

    Sad afternoon for the family today as we had to let one of our critter family members go to doggy heavon today.
  Pain pills and steroids weren't helping my sweet ol pooch anymore and he was constantly hurting, and in the last few weeks I think he was  completely blind or close to it.
  Many tears were shed but he was so peaceful once he got the initial pain medicine that I knew it was the right thing.
   Funny thing about critters - the vets office dog who we hardly see, because she is sposed to stay in the back room - came out as my DH and I were leaving and she looked up at me with her big greyhound eyes and then pushes her nose under my hand to be petted - which is unusual for her as she is usually rather shy. Funny how critters know - even my old meow was close by my side all day long at home today which she doesnt usually do.
 I sure hope old meow gives me a couple months before she decides its her time - she is 21 years old and very frail so I know its coming but I hope she waits awhile yet!!!
   Alrighty I guess I better get myself together and get ready for work tonight - its going to be a long one....
   Take Care

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