Saturday, September 13, 2008

Double Holiday Duty

Yup another jar - its the last one I have finished for now and I really should finish off my swaps for the Cruise the next time I get to the craft table (hopefully today) - but we'll see - I have 6 more triangle shaped jars in my craft room . I am interested to try etching and then stamping over that with staz on - I am thinking it would look really cooly 3-D, just so long as the staz on doesn't over power the clear glass.....
Anyway - This cute little jar is one I found on my most recent thrift shop run with my Chief Enabler Pat this week ( we found a GOOD stash of craft stuff at one place this week!!!).

I have done one side with stamps from a 'Flourishes' Christmas set - the reindeer with the lovely flourished antlers and the word JOY.
The other side I did with Halloween stamps - 'OL Frank I have had in my stash for so long and used so much over the years that his lable has worn off, therefore I have no idea who made him, same goes for the bat..... After the first round of etching I went back and applied the etching compound again to make it darker - it leaves a little glow of lighter etching around the bat and Frank - me was thinking they should glow spookily in the dark - didn't turn out exactly as I envisioned but I looks great with a candle in it - just couldn't get a decent picture.....that is the only bummer with the glass jars - they really are much cooler IRL - the photos just don't show them as well as I would like.
The last 2 photos I put a green cloth inside the jar to help show off the etching more...
All for now
Take Care

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Erin Smetak said...

Hello! Excellent job on your glass etching!!!! Those jars are awesome! As for plates like I have, check local flea markets and yard sales and estate sales. I find them everywhere! Lately at my local library who has a flea market all the time! Keep up the great work!!!

Keri Lee Sereika said...

Oh how pretty Tera! That reindeer jar is just soooo perfect and lovely!